Research - Genaeral Surgery

Some of the ongoing research projects are


Management of myocardial injury after non cardiac surgery – a large, international randomized placebo controlled trial to assess the impact of dabigatran and omeprazole in patients suffering myocardial injury after non cardiac surgery

Dr Subramanyam Dr Raja, and Dr Sunil Joshi


Validation of predictive score for risk stratification in patients with liver abscess in a tertiary care center in Bangalore

Dr Nisha B Jain and Dr Shawnas Bahnou


Prevalence of fungal organisms in lower limb wounds of diabetic patients with T2Diabetes Mellitus

Dr Nikhal Dhanpal and Dr S.G.Subramanyam


Abdominal compartment syndrome

Dr Vaibhav Pratap Singh.and Dr S.G.Subramanyam


Scalpel versus diathermy in abdominal skin incisions

Dr Benji Varghese and Dr L N Mohan


Pattern and effectiveness of pharmacological prophylaxis of DVT in patient who undergoes abdomino pelvic onco surgeries.

Dr Ann Grace and Dr Sunil Josh

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