Our college has curricular and non-curricular activities. The curricular activities focus on academic growth and non-curricular activities emphasize on leadership and wholistic development. The following committees have significant role in the lives of students on their knowledge, skills and values. These committees promote value of service and respect for human dignity and help them to become responsible and competent nurses. Thus, each of these committees serves a specific purpose within the healthcare and community service realms, catering to the needs and interests of student nurses.


• The Student Welfare Committee endeavors to ensure students’ physical, mental, social, spiritual and financial wellbeing during their educational process to advance their academic as well as their personal abilities. It also seeks to function as a forum for the redressal of students’ grievances.
1. To provide maximum benefits to the students through various welfare activities organized by the college. 
2. To act as an interface between the students and the administration, thereby taking suggestions from students to sort out matters concerning student welfare. 
3.To discover and enhance the student’s skills through various social and cultural activities.  
4. To analyze and solve problems encountered by the students pertaining to academic and institutional activities.


Library committee is a body, constituted for the purpose of ensuring efficient functioning of the library services to its recipients.
Function : Direction, controlling, and coordination of all library activities.

Need of the Library Committee
  • To guide the Librarian in formulating general library policies and regulations which govern the functions of the library.

  • To provide for proper documentation services and updating the library collection.

  • To work towards modernization and improvement of Library.

  • To formulate policies and procedures for efficient use of Library resources.

  • To adopt measures to enhance readership

  • To prepare budget and proposals for the development of the library.

  • To seek feedback on Library functions from the beneficiary .


The Curriculum and evaluation Committee shall discuss, evaluate and recommend if necessary, changes in the academic program of the College, including proposals to begin value added and certificate courses, programme requirements (UG and PG), and general policies on teaching and learning process.
  1.  To ensure that UG and PG curriculum is implemented and evaluated as per INC requirements 
2. To ensure that the design and structure of a curriculum meets the established curricular goals and objectives  
3. To monitor and periodically evaluate all aspects of the curriculum, teaching and learning .


It ensures ongoing maintenance issues and routine repair of college of nursing infrastructure and the institutional equipment. 


The purpose of the maintenance committee is to oversee regular maintenance, repairs, and general upkeep of college of nursing infrastructure and all the equipment and office accessories of the institution.


The Research Advisory Committee oversees the smooth and efficient coordination of research activities in the college.
  • Organize research promotion activities such as conferences, seminars, workshops, and hand on research methodology.  
• Encourage faculty and students to undertake research projects.  
• To facilitate research publications.  
• Scrutinize the UG and PG research proposals writing and before submitting to Institutional ethics committee.


CNE conducts education program monthly to update the knowledge of the faculty. Purpose

  • To ensure professional development and activities designed to enhance skill and maintain the knowledge of the faculty which helps in continuous improvement of providing high quality education, quality care, research, and academics.

It provides a channel for both parents and the institution to establish a mutual partnership aimed at overall development of the student through planning and conducting periodic meetings for discussion and deliberation.
The PTA is designed to foster parents engagement contributing to better student learning and their happy living in the campus.

A management review is a formal, structured meeting which involves top management and takes place at regular intervals throughout the year.
  The purpose of an MRM is to review and evaluate the effectiveness of the college management and identify non-conformities and suggest, implement and monitor corrective actions. The MRM does this, by encouraging the top management to consider the degree to which the Management System:
• Achieves the expected results in terms of realizing the organized objectives and compliance with laws of the level.
• Meets the organization’s requirements and compliance with laws of the level. 
• Functions in accordance with the established objectives, policies, operating procedures and processes.

Antidrug/substance abuse cell of St. John’s College of Nursing has been created to ensure a favourable environment for learning among students and foist total ban on use of narcotic drugs and substance use in the campus.
  Antidrug/substance abuse cell of SJCON has been constituted to maintain the campus as a drug free zone by prevention of use of narcotic drugs and substance abuse through organizing awareness program among students.

The disciplinary committee deals with disciplinary issues of students as and when they arise. Matters pertaining to repeated violation of hostel rules, unethical conduct in the college and academic activities, negligence in patient care are brought to the notice of the disciplinary committee.
Purpose of Disciplinary committee
  • To ensure conducive environment that fosters, ethical and integral learning.
• To protect the rights of the students
• To maintain discipline and a peaceful atmosphere in the campus
• To assure fairness to complainants and to students accused of any breach of Code of Conduct.


  Ragging is a cognizable offence punishable with imprisonment and /fine according to section 116 of the Karnataka Education Act 1983, and under various sections of Indian Penal Code (IPC).Students involved in ragging will be liable, in addition to criminal prosecution, to rustication, dismissal and expulsion from the college. Anti-ragging committee has been constituted in our institution in order to implement and follow up the anti ragging policies and measures.

- To ensure that the campus is a ragging free zone
- To ensure strict compliance with anti-ragging measures in the college
- To sensitize students about the consequences of ragging
- To encourage students to report any ragging experienced or witnessed by them in the college or campus.
- To conduct enquiry related to the reported incidents and to escalate the same to concerned authority.


Welcome to the St. John's College of Nursing Hostel – your home away from home!
At St. John's College of Nursing, we understand the importance of a supportive and nurturing environment for our students. That's why we take pride in offering comfortable and secure accommodation right on campus.
Our hostel provides a vibrant community where students can live, learn, and grow together. Here's what you can expect:

Comfortable Living Spaces: Our hostel rooms are designed to provide a cozy and conducive environment for studying and relaxation. Each room is furnished with all the essential amenities to ensure your comfort.
Safety and Security: Your safety is our top priority. Our hostel is equipped with round-the- clock security measures, including CCTV surveillance and dedicated staff members who are always available to assist you.
Healthy Dining Options: We understand the importance of nutritious meals for your overall well-being. Our hostel offers a dining facility that serves delicious and wholesome food, catering to various dietary preferences.
Community Atmosphere: Living in our hostel means being part of a supportive community. You'll have the opportunity to forge lifelong friendships, collaborate on projects, and engage in extracurricular activities together.
Convenient Location: Situated within the campus grounds, our hostel offers easy access to all academic facilities, libraries, and recreational areas, allowing you to make the most of your college experience.
Facilities and Amenities: From laundry services to recreational spaces, we provide all the necessary facilities to ensure a comfortable stay during your time at St. John's College of Nursing.
Whether you're a first-year student or a returning one, our hostel provides the perfect setting for you to thrive academically, socially, and personally.

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