Services - Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Obstetric Services

Pre-pregnancy counseling and Genetic counseling
Antenatal clinic - All pregnant women are booked for regular antenatal care. At each check up patient is monitored for maternal and fetal well being and high risk pregnancies are identified and managed. Documentation is done on antenatal card

Antenatal fetal surveillance - Fetal well being is monitored by Non-Stress Test (NST), USG for fetal biometry, Biophysical profile and Obstetric Doppler. Post natal clinic – All postnatal mothers are examined 1 week and 6 weeks postnatally. They are advised regarding breast feeding, nutrition, personal hygiene,, birth spacing and contraception

Family Welfare clinic and Lactation Clinic
• Goal:Welfare of Family Life and Education in Reproduction -“Value from Womb to Tomb”
• Health education (Teen star programme – family life education to youth)
• Counseling of couples for natural family planning
• Lactation care and counseling for breast feeding . Mother craft and complementary feeding.
• Value education and fertility awareness for school and college students.
• Training programs in “ Fertility Awareness & Respect for Life” at National level, state level, and local rural and urban slums.

PPTCT Programme – (Prevention of Parent to Child Transmission)
PPTCT Programme is linked to National Aids Control Organization (NACO) and Karnataka State Aids Prevention Society (KSAPS)

Services offered are:
Integrated Counseling and Testing services for HIV – Pre Test Counseling – Consent – Test – Post Test Counseling – Follow up Counseling
HIV testing of all pregnant woman attending the OBG OPD
Psychosocial issue related to MTCT ( Mother to Child Transmission ) and Community
Reducing stigma and Discrimination related to HIV/AIDS
HIV Testing and Client Rights
Post exposure prophylaxis to Health care workers
Management of HIV exposed Children

Gynecological services
Routine Gynecological Services:
Gynecological checkup which includes Per Speculum (PS) examination and Per Vaginal (PV) bimanual examination for any pelvic, uterine , cervical , vaginal pathology. Pap smear and pelvic USG is part of routine gynecological check up.
Management of Gynecology problems like vaginal discharge, menstrual irregularities, prolapse (mass P/V) benign and malignant conditions of the genital tract, STD’s etc.

Screening for genital cancers
It is done with the aid of Pap smear, Colposcopic evaluation, Colposcopic directed Biopsy, Toluidine blue test for precancerous lesions of vulva, vulval biopsy for suspicious lesions, USG for ovarian and uterine cancers and Tumour markers.
Infertility Services
Evaluation of the infertile couple. The woman is evaluated with blood tests – hormonal assay, USG for any pelvic pathology. Husband is advised semen analysis and referred to Urologist for checkup. Therapeutic services offered are ovulation induction followed by serial follicular monitoring and timed intercourse.

Menopause Clinic
Woman are screened for genital malignancies Services offered are Pap smear, pelvic USG, Mammography, BMD (Bone Mineral Density) and hormone replacement therapy. Menopausal woman are counseled regarding life style modification (exercise, diet) and are treated for common menopausal conditions.

Reproductive Endocrinilogy
Evaluation & treatment of Polycystic ovarian disease. Hyperprolactinaemia, Primary amenorrhoea, and secondary amenorrhoea. Thyroid diseases are managed in collaboration with endocrinology department. Adolescent services are offered for evaluation and treatment of puberty menorrhagia, primary amenorrhoea and any other common adolescent problems.

Procedures done in OPD-
Pap smear, Colposcopy, colposcopic guided Cervical biopsy, Endometrial biopsy, IUCD removal, High vaginal swab and Cervical swab for culture sensitivity. As per the hospital policy we do not offer family planning procedures like IUCD insertion , tubal ligation, Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP), and Artificial reproductive technology (ART)

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